
A new job, no matter how dynamic it is, will eventually feel like any other job.

But at least being an intern here at *Gadgettes is still new and dynamic. After all this is my first experience working in an office. And hey, it’s not as hazardous as my mentor Winroen had described it. My coworkers seem nice and sociable and the male ones aren’t as sex-crazed as I imagined.

Back then when someone mentioned the word “office,” I imagined a monochromatic maze that can be navigated by toddlers, people in tight suits trying to look dignified but are actually thinking, “Shit, I’m broke! How am I gonna suck up to the boss?”. Plus I don’t wanna sport that insignificant cloth-collar called a necktie.

Turns out I can walk into the office wearing skinny jeans and Chuck Taylors without getting second glances. I can “clock in” anytime (although there’s no clocking in here) and even slack off at work, like right now when I’m supposed to be editing English reviewers than writing a blog entry which will unlikely be read.

Not that I’m paid to do absolutely nothing. Of course I’m the lively young cadet itching to do “real-life” work. In fact I’m treated more like an employee than a doormat intern whose task is to answer phone calls from stubborn clients and making coffee. I’m glad my boss trusts me to handle big tasks such as making the PowerPoint Presentation for a major company. She’ll even be hitching me on the ride!

The environment doesn’t seem like the airy corporate setting too. My officemates can fool around with each other and share menial jokes. I can even walk around and grab cookies and cupcakes anytime! Coffee is free too and and there are occasional pizza parties to boot.

Ultimately my boss is very, very nice. She has this aura of niceness as if whatever you say or do feels like charity. She’s not the condescending type of boss like Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada. She considers us as teammates rather than pawns that can be subjected to toilet-cleaning.

I guess that’s as much as I can write for now. My internship is 200 hours. I’ve completed only 54. I’m only a quarter through.

*Company name changed